Ms. Martone teaching thesis statements to her English class at Lincoln High School.
Mr. Mendes '25 is testing student built Roman aqueducts in history class at Lincoln.
Mr. Begley '25 working with his 9th grade US history class as they worked on analyzing Hoover and FDR speeches!
Ms. Powers '24 is having a great first year as a full-time at North Providence High School teaching Biology!
Ms. Almonte '25 teaching her Spanish I class about the verb “estar.”
Mr. Cantera '25 introducing his Econ class to different types of graphs that they will see throughout this semester through a gallery walk activity!
Ms. Almeida '25 working with her students in North Smithfield to explore Hoover vs Roosevelt’s campaign policies!
Spanish one lesson about time that Ms. Almonte '25 did with her students at North Providence high school!
Ms. Aldrich '25 with her forensics science class at Tolman high school during their heart dissection lab!
Mr. Mendes '25 and his history students from Lincoln High School reflecting back on Socratic seminars they participated in preparing for their own Socratic seminar!
Mr. Begley 25' and his students at Smithfield High School learning about yellow journalism!
Ms. Seldon and Ms. Kerr both excited to jump into the Odyssey with their 9th grade classes
Three secondary ed seniors (Emma, Sarah, and Ashley) with one our of our amazing CE’s Melissa.
Class of 2024 Secondary Ed Seniors with Dr. O’Connor, Dr. Rolon, and Dr. Silva-Enos at their Student Teaching Handbook Meeting.
Secondary ed seniors (Mireille, Connor, Bekah, and Mike)with Dr. Silva-Enos.
Seniors Connor and James representing the Secondary Ed department at the Major/Minor fair in the fall 2023.
Senior Molly teaching during her senior practicum
Class of 2024 student Mike teaching a math lesson during his fall semester practicum
Class of 2024 student James and some of his students during a chemistry class.
Class of 2024 student Emma teaching her students about the Roman Empire.